Coach Ap is a YouTube Guru who first joined YouTube in 2006. Ap's first success on YouTube would come in the music genre with his Suppose 2 be music video reaching over 100K viewers in just a few days on his Ap 1nabillion channel.
After turning down a record deal Ap would branch out and independently create successful media channels Welcome2NycTv, Welcome2CaliTv and Welcome2Hiphop with his wife singer/songwriter Dangerus Diva. Their media channels, which consisted of celebrity interviews, reviews and reaction videos, would go on to reach over 20 million monthly viewers and gain the attention of every media network.
Fall of 2012 Ap and Diva formed a partnership with George Strompolos, Ceo of Fullscreen Media, and created the Welcome 2 Media Network. The W2MG network would be used as a hub to help content creators with low viewership break though into the mainstream! Some of the talent to be signed by W2MG would include Grammy nominated recording artist J Holiday, Streetball legend Professor live, Influencer Ryland Adams, Boxing Analyst and Media Personality Elie Seckbach of EsNews, Soul Violinist Lee England jr, and Ap n Diva's 3 year old son J Funk of ItsJFunk & the So in Love Family.
All of these Welcome 2 Media clients would go on to huge success in the digital space and reach more than 10 Billion viewers across social media.
By the beginning of 2015 Fullscreen Media had sold to Otter Media for $500 Million and Welcome 2 Media had earned a reputation as a network which finds diamonds in the rough and turns them into household names.
June 2015 Ap n Diva welcomed new addition Miracle Baby Josiah into the family. Josiah was born a 24 week micro preemie at barely 1lb and 12 inches long. He would require 5 surgeries and 6 months at the hospital NICU before being able to come home with his family. Coach Ap would then take a leave from managing creators at Welcome 2 Media and focus all of his time and energy into helping his wife raise their 2 sons.
Knowing that his entrepreneurial itch would be confined to his home Ap 1nabillion along side wife Dangerus Diva decided to create their own network right inside of their home. It was at that time that the So in Love Family was formed!
The So in Love Family would go on to create a network of over 60 family friendly channels. Most channels featured content which included Ap 1nabillion, Dangerus Diva, ItsJFunk and Miracle Baby Josiah. The channels reached over a Billion YouTube views combined with hundreds of videos reaching 1M-40M views. This would open the door for the So in Love Family to be featured in Tv shows and commercials with Google Cloud, MLB, Oreo, NCAA and Nickelodeon.
January of 2020 Ap N Diva became founders of new video sharing and music streaming platform The Black Tube. TheBlackTube.com was created as a place where creators of color would receive more opportunity for viewership and unlimited revenue on their videos and music in the digital space, as well as have a home to talk on topics currently censored by other social media platforms.
With no campaigns or ad dollars spent The Black Tube also known as TBT has grown a solid audience of 100K users and over 4K content creators.
February 2022 The Black Tube Institute of Technology was formed in the state of Georgia. At The Black Tube Institute students from around the world will be able to attend a school which focuses on course work in video production, music production, songwriting, vocal training, photography, lighting, social media growth, coding, graphic design, computer programming, business, financial literacy and health & wellness. Underprivileged students will be able to receive grants and/or scholarships to attend this accredited institution.
Although Coach Ap receives no salary from The Black Tube Institute, he spends majority of his time giving and mentoring youth and upcoming influencers on how to successfully navigate the content creator space.
The future is shining bright on Coach Ap and his many endeavours.