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28 Views· 11/23/21· Entertainment

24 Legacy: S01xE03: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

163 Subscribers

⁣Eric is released by the police under orders from Mullins, who also releases Ingram and Shalowitz, deciding to oversee the operation. Eric proceeds to the train station, where he rendezvouses with Grimes, with Keith in charge of surveillance and Locke, who is revealed to be Shalowitz' former boyfriend, chasing them. While Grimes recovers the drive, Jadalla and his men arrive and engage CTU. Grimes is forced to escape, but is shot by a jihadist. Jadalla recovers the drive and escapes, with Eric losing him. Meanwhile, Ingram interrogates Mizrani about her whereabouts on the day that the identities of the Rangers were accessed, which she denies doing. It is later revealed that Henry was behind the leak for reasons unclear. Seriously injured, Phelps awakens and escapes, alarming Dudayev and Harris. He falls unconscious in the soccer field and is seen by students, who call an ambulance. Dudayev decides to kill him by the time he reaches the hospital. Using CTU's help, Nicole acquires Aisha's conversation with the Dominicans, but Aisha becomes suspicious of her and takes her cell phone before she can call Isaac, who has left for the deal.

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