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69 Views· 01/18/21· Entertainment

EP 13. Stepping for F.A.M.E. (Fun And Major Empowerment)... "Beat It"

The F.A.M.O.U.$. Brand
22 Subscribers


In this epsiode, we learn a fairly energetic routine to a pure classic by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson "Beat It"! We use a bit of the classic routine, along with an MJ move or two, and of course put it all together in stepping form. Also, check out my slight freestyle, as well as my assitant's epic fail LOL. Tune in, Learn, Enjoy the fun!

⁣Stepping for F.A.M.E. (Fun And Major Empowerment) is a live, participatory broadcast that showcases and teaches the art of Stepping and stepping techniques in order to educate and uplift while giving participants and viewers a fun way to stay active. This project is apart of a LIVE broadcast Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Facebook and Instagram!

Stepping for F.AM.E. is currently a free service. However this is a HUGE project in the making. Therefore, Tips/Donations to this project and/or The F.A.M.O.U.$. Brand can be made out to $FAMOUS via Cashapp and are OPTIONAL but VERY MUCH APPRECIATED for the future plans in store. Thank you for viewing, participating, sharing and support this project and The F.A.M.O.U.$. Brand!


Follow me on other social media platforms in regards to The F.A.M.O.U.$. Brand:


⁣#SteppingForFAME #TheFAMOUSBrand #SupportBlackBusiness #SupportBlackCreators #BlackCulture #iStep #iHop #iStroll #iDance

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11 months ago
Amazing video
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