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48 Views· 11/09/21· Entertainment

Lovecraft Country: S01xE09: Rewind 1921

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⁣Hippolyta returns to Chicago to find Atticus, Leti and Montrose struggling to keep Diana alive after her being cursed by Lancaster. Ruby summons Christina, who uses Hippolyta's blood to "reset" the curse but warns that because Lancaster was the only one who knew the curse, it cannot be fully lifted. Christina visits and taunts a dying Lancaster and convinces Ruby to aid her in her quest for immortality, even after Ruby learns that the spell will kill Tic. The others decide to use Hiram's multiverse machine to travel back in time to 1921 Tulsa, where Tic's mother's family held the Book of Names before it was destroyed in the Tulsa race massacre. Upon arriving in 1921, Tic, Leti and Montrose witness a young Montrose being beaten by his father. The adult Montrose flees. Tic goes looking for Montrose and finds him watching his younger self rebuke a potential love interest of his (Thomas) due to him struggling with internalized homophobia and the external oppression at the time, before the pair of them, as well as young George and Dora, are set upon by a white mob, who succeed in killing Thomas. Tic comes to everyone else's rescue. Leti is saved from attackers by Tic's mother's family, who hide her in their house as it is attacked by another mob, and Leti convinces Tic's great-grandmother to hand over the Book of Names by promising to safeguard her family and their legacy. The trio flee the burning city and return to 1955 through the portal.

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