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31 Views· 11/09/21· Entertainment

Lovecraft Country: S01xE10: Full Circle (End)

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⁣Letitia brings the book of names to the group. They open it and Tic and Letitia collapse. They enter an ancestral realm that looks like Tic's Mother's home surrounded by fire. Tic's Mother warns him he will have to be a hero and sacrifice himself. They are able to lift Diana's curse but her arm remains withered. Tic and Letitia go to Titus's vault and use the book of names to summon him. They take a piece of his flesh to use in a spell to bind Christina. Tic meets with Ji-ah, he apologizes and tells her he considers her family. Letitia asks Ruby to help them get a piece of Christina's body for the spell. The group travel to Ardham to try and stop Christina, enjoying a sing-a-long on the way. Christina's followers surround Tic and strap him to an alter. Letitia and Ruby are preparing the spell when Ruby is revealed to be Christina in disguise. They fight and Christina pushes Letitia from a tower. Christina performs the ceremony, covering herself in Tic's blood. Letitia tries to kill Christina to save him but thanks to the ceremony she is now immortal. Letitia tries to cast the binding spell but without a piece of Christina's body it doesn't work. Ji-Ah uses her tails to connect Tic and Christina. The binding spell works and Christina is bound from ever performing magic, along with all other white people. Tic dies from blood loss. In the final scene, Diana, now with a mechanical arm courtesy of her mother, kills Christina by crushing her throat.

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