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10 Views· 08/07/21· Entertainment

N__GA WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF! Jay Electronica Stunted Growth Story

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⁣Easy going, lazy, enigmatic, tactician, regular, obsessive, nonchalant, intriguing, calculated, alien. All words used by either close friends or himself to describe an artist known as Jay Electronica. Put those words or phrases together and formulate whatever opinion you want about Mr misunderstood himself. Those words or phrases that spell out his stage name couldn’t represent the fleeting MC more. In his own words, he’s better explaining himself through his raps, which is why I guess he rarely puts out music, because he hates explaining himself. But what he isn’t willing to do, I’ll do it for you. Explain. You ask yourself, “what’s an artist that doesn’t make art?” A politician? Curator? “What’s an artist that makes art and doesn’t release it to the world”? A virgo. Overly critical of self, methodical, misunderstood, lack of self confidence? You see trying to pin point Jay Electronica and understanding the fans frustration with him as an artist only lead you down a road of more frustration. At the end you tirelessly utter 3 words. “Man…what if”. Jay Electronica is one of the purest MCs of his lifetime, but sadly when he’s remembered, “if” will be the only word of explanation. Not like some of the big words describing him at the opening of this story. To say and artist qualifies for his growth to be stunted, there had to have been the ingredient of potential when they initially got on the scene that you knew, if this this and that happens, there can be no stopping them. Electronica was that guy. His name alone represents a collective of music, but fights against his astro signs that have a hard time putting them all together. If you’ve waited from 2007 to 2020 for a full length Jay Electronica album prior to its release that year you’re not impatient, you just needed proof. That every artist doesn’t create for public consumption but every artist creates at their own pace, and when it’s ready, it’s ready. I guess. But as a fan, Jay Electronica was supposed to have grown to a certain point by now and he hasn’t. Here are 3 reasons his growth as an artist was Stunted. respectfully, the fans. N**GA WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF! Jay Electronica Stunted Growth Story Stunted Growth Story. IT'S NOT READY!

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