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41 Views· 08/07/21· Entertainment

Was Gillie Da Kid A TRASH Rapper? What Stunted His Musical Growth?

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⁣If you haven’t heard of today’s feature as one of the more popular pieces of new age entertainment, then you must not enjoy said new age entertainment, as he along with first cousin Wallace Peeples aka Wallo have created and run one of the more unique and enjoyable podcast in the game right now. As some of you may know, he was also a rapper from the late 90s early 2000 trying to get on in the rap game just like the countless other inner city males all over the world. But his rap story is vastly different from those males and his success came as stark contrast to his rap persona, but also makes complete sense in hindsight as to why he didn’t see the same success, as being a personality was clearly his strong suit. He’s one of the co founders of the Philadelphia hip hop group Major Figgas that received high praise locally, but never truly turned that into group success. It led Gillie to seeking out a solo career, going all over the country trying to find the right fitted situation. That situation never came, and if you ask Wallo, most of it was to his own doing. He was supposed to be the next big thing from Philly in the early 2000s, bringing his versatile, witty flow to the game, that Brian Baby Williams actually confirms for penning some of the best hip hop of the 2000s, after previously denying it for a decade. With all those attributes, and clearly a Star personality in 2021, why didn’t he become a successful rapper? Here are 3 Growth Stunts in his rap career that caused that to happen. Was Gillie Da Kid A TRASH Rapper? What Stunted His Musical Growth?

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