
TBT Donation Wall of Fame

The Black Tube Donation Wall

With your help this could be the future headquarters for The Black Tube.

This page is dedicated to the special people who believe in the vision we have at The Black Tube. You have proved your belief by putting your money where your mouth is and donating to the cause. Your contributions are highly appreciated and we'd like to show our appreciation by acknowledging you on our wall.

 Now and help create more tech jobs for people of color.


-So in love family $10,000

-Welcome 2 Media LLC $10,000

-Welcome 2 Hip Hop $10,000

-Welcome 2 Kids $10,000

-Melanin Book $10,000

-Ashtyn Reynolds $300

-Sandra Morton $510

-Knight Random $10

-Tyrese Wolff $1000

-Robert McDonald $120

-Kamron Schiller $700

-Kourage Favor Films $20

-Jake's Cookies $20

-Crump $50

-Linda Cromwell $20

-Charles Jackson $20




Shandreal Johnson

10 months ago
Once I start getting pass my bills ,I will also the platform that helped me.
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