
What is The Black Tube?

What is the Black Tube and how can you contribute to it?

TBT is OUR community! A place Where We Control the narrative!
How can you contribute to our TBT community?
-Once logged in watch like and comment on as many videos as you can. (We pay our users for watch like and comments)
-Share Theblacktube.com with as many friends as you can
-Upgrade your membership to Pro and get verified on TBT!
-Upload your videos to TheBlackTube. Share your knowledge, gifts, and talents with our community (Users can apply for monetization after 10 uploads and 2 referrals)
-Purchase your official TBT T-shirt and rock this symbol of Hope!
-Donate atleast $50 via cashapp to $theblacktube (Donations go to video production, hiring staff, office space, advertising and more)
-Purchase ad space and promote your brand/product on the hottest new site in the world Theblacktube.com!



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