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Floor is Lava Song | Brain Break with Gracie’s Corner | Nursery Rhymes + Kids Songs
Floor is Lava is a fun and interactive song that can be enjoyed as a brain break for kids. Join Gracie and her friends as they pretend like the floor is lava!
For free learning activities and Gracie's Corner merch, visit www.GraciesCornerTV.com. Songs are available on all music streaming platforms.
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Watch out, the floor is lava!
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Watch out, the floor is lava!
Better stand back when the volcano blows
Next thing you know
All the hot lava flows.
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The floor is lava
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The floor is lava
Don’t stop moving
Give it all that you got.
Lift your feet high
Cause the lava is hot.
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The floor is lava
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The floor is lava
Now hop two times on your left foot
Then hop two times on your right.
Got to keep moving when the hot lava flows
See us hopping all day and all night.
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The floor is lava
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The floor is lava
(Hot Hot)
The floor is lava
Watch out, the floor is lava!
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Watch out, the floor is lava!
Better stand back when the volcano blows
Next thing you know
All the hot lava flows.
(Hot Hot)
The floor is lava
(Hot Hot)
The floor is lava
Don’t stop moving
Give it all that you got.
Lift your feet high
Cause the lava is hot
(Hot Hot)
The floor is lava
Watch out, the floor is lava
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Hop up and down
Like the floor is lava
Watch out, the floor is lava!
Better stand back when the volcano blows
Next thing you know
All the hot lava flows.
(Hot Hot)
The floor is lava
(Hot Hot)
The floor is lava
(Hot Hot)
#graciescorner #floorislava #brainbreak
1 month ago